一、Female Infertility
Infertility is due to malfunction of uterus, uterine tube, vagina, ovary, immunity, and other reasons.
二、Male Infertility
Abnormality of sperms/semen (lack of sperms, weakness of sperms, dead sperms, non-liquefaction of semen, etc.) immunity infertility,varicocele, sexual dysfunction, and abnormal endocrine system.
三、Repeated failures of test tube babies
1、Strengthening the capacity of the endometrium enhances the success rate of test tube babies.
2、In the failure of a test tube baby induced by coldness of the uterus, the use of traditional Chinese insert medicine within 30 day reaches the effective to 100%, success rate to 90%.
3、Treatment of cumulative liquid in the uterus has a 90% success rate. Use of Chinese traditional medicine to treat light or medium metrosynizesis has an effective rate of 80% and pregnant rate of 60%.
4、Using Chinese traditional medicine to treat thinning endometrium caused by endometritis and polyposis, particularlytoward CD138 and CD38, success rate is 90% for positive specific endometritis.
5、 Cultivating Ovum
When ovarian function declines, no ovum, lack of ovum, quality of ovum and fetus go down, use of Chinese traditional medicine supplemented by pregnancy promoting acupuncture technique plus using academician, Dr. Han’s advanced skin point stimulating method to help phobic patients, will enhance kidney function and cultivate ovarium with this combination.
6、Fetus Protection
Dealing with fetus growth stoppage, habitual miscarriage, biochemical pregnancy, Chinese and western medical approaches combined have special advantages. We emphasize overall adjustment and equal physical and psychological treatment. After women are conceived, we strengthen their basis, protect their fetus, and enhance safe birth of the baby. Fetus protection techniques have a prolonged history, verified through several generations. It’s safe and sound without undesirable side effects.
四、Female Endocrine System
Menstrual cycle upsets, early and late onset of puberty, menstrual cycle pain, menopause,polycystic ovarian disease, hyperprolactinemia, functional degeneration of the ovary, climacteric complexity.
五、Special Chinese medical approach to rehabilitation, obesity, skin discoloration, bed sores, gynecology,
internal diseases, physical therapy, and health care.